Friday, February 4, 2011

Vaccines for your baby...

Posted by Esh's Haven at 4:17 AM
Before my child reached the age of 1 year old, I did make sure that she will be given all the vaccines she needed for her to be healthy and in order to prevent some diseases that children below 5 years old are really susceptible. Nowadays, there are a lot of health centers that offer free or affordable vaccinations all over the country which is very good news to all the mothers

Below are the vaccines that your baby needs before reaching the age of 1 year old:

BCG ( Bacille Calmette Guerin) vaccine-this helps in preventing Tuberculosis and given right after the baby’s born and repeated when your child reach 7 years old.

Oral Polio Vaccine- the first dose is given when you’re baby is 6 weeks old, this  is given at 4 weeks interval, so the second dose is when your baby is 10 weeks old and the last one is on the 14th week of your baby. So, that will be, 6-10-14 weeks.

Hepatitis Vaccine- this is given right after the baby is born, and the second dose is on the 6th week of your baby. And the last one is when your baby turns 14 weeks old. So, that is, 0-6-14weeks.

DPT vaccine- it stands for Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus. DPT is given when your baby is 6 weeks old; the second dose is on the 10th week of your baby and the last one, when your baby turns 14 weeks old.

Measles vaccine-given when your baby is 9 months old.


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