Friday, February 4, 2011

My first pregnancy, the morning sickness and how to deal with it..

Posted by Esh's Haven at 5:30 AM
I honestly believe that most of the first time moms out there when they found out that they were pregnant, are of course very happy with what they have discovered and also very nervous if what exactly the feeling of being pregnant. Definitely, first time moms do have a lot of questions about pregnancy, its symptoms, what food to eat, can they still do the things that they usually do when they were still single, but of course the answer to this is that, not all those things that you used to do are can still be done when you are already pregnant since those can be dangerous to your baby or to your health as well. We have to be very careful about the things that we do when we are already pregnant. As a matter of fact, I even told my friend who was pregnant also at that time to refrain from watching horror movies since I have read a book that you even have to avoid watching movies that tackles about violence, horror movies and the like, since it can affect your baby or something. We both followed this since there’s nothing to lose and after all, all we want is to make our baby healthy.

When I found out that I was pregnant, my initial reaction of course was at last I am now a mother. I can now see a little girl or boy walking and running around our humble abode. The joy I felt at that very moment was indescribable and you just can’t wait to see your child.

However, I am also scared about it since it was really my first pregnancy and I must admit, I’m scared about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. I’m scared about some of the complications like Gestational Diabetes, Eclampsia and pre-Eclampsia-the hypertension during pregnancy, Toxemia, and so on. But thank God everything went well; I have a very healthy pregnancy. During those times, I can’t really help my self not to worry since, everything was all new to me, and it was really my very first time to carry a child in my womb.

During my journey through motherhood, the first trimester or the first 3 months was really the hardest part of it, because of nausea and vomiting, which is one of the symptoms that occurs during this first 3 months of pregnancy. And I know most first time moms will also say the same thing. The reason why we experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy is because of an increased Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). This is really hard since during the first three months, you felt nauseous all the time, that leads to vomiting, which is pretty normal when you are pregnant and not to mention, you have no appetite at all which wasn’t easy to deal with. And surely, first time moms out there are really looking for ways on how to manage it. The best thing to do when you are not really comfortable with the symptom or the morning sickness is to eat crackers 30 minutes before getting out of bed in the morning or your diet should be dry, high carbohydrates and as much as possible, eat a low fat and low spices food.


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