Saturday, July 30, 2011

Too excited for my very first payment from Google Adsense

Posted by Esh's Haven at 4:53 AM
I've been focusing on this particular site for a month, and I'm working so hard just to reach a thousand posts, hoping to reach the minimum payout.  It's a question and answer site by the way, and a revenue sharing site. But I already lose hope since it's July 30 now, and there's only one day left before the month of July ends. And I don't know if I could still earn the remaining 5 dollars tomorrow just to reach the minimum payout, or if it's sill possible to earn that kind of amount in a single day, since I haven't reached that status yet wherein I'm already earning  $3 or more in a single day.

Maybe I would be able to receive my very first payout by the end of September. It's really fine with me, but I just can't help myself to get excited to receive my hard earned money, which happens to be my very first payment proof from Google Adsense. Maybe I just need to be more patient about it and I know I would eventually reach that point, which is to receive my very first payment from Google Adsense. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


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