In the coming months (I know it’s a bit late already since a lot of kids are going to school as early as 3 years old), she’s already going to school. Wherein I have some worries on how she would be able to cope with the stress in school, since it’s another environment, and she would be interacting with other people, which is a major change by the way. For the past 4 years of her life, her world revolved around us, that’s why I wonder how she would interact with people that are unfamiliar to her, and how she could cope up with unfamiliar environment as well. Nevertheless, I believe that it won’t be that hard for her to cope up with the changes since my daughter is very sweet and friendly, even to those people she just met. And not to mention, she loves to talk with people.
However, I couldn’t help but to worry since we all experienced a kind of fear when we were in our very first day in school, back when we were kids. I remembered back then, when I was on my very first day in school, my mother had a hard time convincing me to enter the classroom since everything was all strange to me. She also had a difficult time every moment I sensed that it was already time to go to school, since I’ll start crying and I always said that I didn’t want to go to school. I really had this separation-anxiety that I don’t want to be separated from her, and every time that I was about to enter the classroom, I also want her to be with me inside the room. I know that this kind of thing is pretty normal, that’s why I have worries when my daughter begins to go to school. I don’t want her to experience that kind of fear, because I don’t want to see her having a hard time coping with the changes that are happening to her. I love my daughter very much that’s why as much as possible, I want everything to be a pleasurable experience for her.
As mothers, we have this kind of mind-set that we don’t want to see our children crying or hurting. We always want to see that smile and hear that laughter in them, instead of tears. As much as possible, we always want them to be happy, and to have positive outlook in life.
Anyway, I’m already telling her that she will be going to school very soon, and I can see in her face that she is very excited about it. She even keeps on asking me, when will be the exact date since she is ecstatic about going to school. Seeing that kind of reaction from her really feels so great, since I can tell that she’s looking forward to going to school, which is actually a great indicator as well, that I won’t be having a hard time at all in convincing her to go to school when that day comes.
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