Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The effects of television on my daughter..

Posted by Esh's Haven at 1:16 AM
I just read an article on the effects of television to your child and it kind of scares me because my daughter is always glued to the boob tube. Every time she watches her favorite program on tv, you can't really disturb her or you can't switch to other channels since once you do that, you'll be having a hard time in stopping her from crying. She doesn't even want to eat her meal once she started to watch her favorite show and that's my main problem. At times, I ran out of strategies just to make her eat her meal when she's in front of tv. And my main concern is if your child is always glued on the boob tube, it can actually affect his/her behavior and that's what I want to really avoid.

We have to really supervise our children in watching tv and make sure that what your child is watching is really a child-friendly shows since I have noticed a lot of cartoons nowadays are not really intended for children below 5 years old.

We have to ensure that all programs that our children are watching don't involve any violence and there's no inappropriate words that our children may imitate. And most importantly, there should be moral values in every shows that he/she is watching.


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