Friday, February 4, 2011

I'm not interested about the program for registered Nurses

Posted by Esh's Haven at 9:48 PM
I just heard it in the news that the gov't is now doing an action to stop the exploitation of registered nurses in the Philippines. This thing was already present a couple of years ago wherein nurses are forced to pay a certain amount just to have a training in a hospital setting. And a lot of nurses do this stuff in order to earn some experience and to practice their  profession as well. I haven't experienced it since I don't have enough money to pay for the training fees which costs 2,000 and above. However, my only option was to volunteer in an ambulatory hospital,since it's too impossible for me to land a job.

I passed the nursing board exam last 3 years ago, so that was July of 2008. And it took me a year to finally find a hospital where I can volunteer and  practice my profession. So, if it's a volunteer, it means I'll be receiving nothing from my service, no allowance and the like. It's frustrating, and our situation really saddened me since I really need a work badly, because I want to help my family. They have invested money just to make me graduate in this course since nursing course is a very expensive course that costs a hundred thousand a year. It's so sad that right after passing the board exam, this will not yet serve as a ticket or will guarantee you in landing a job.

Everything that had happened with this profession, really frustrates me. Yes, I've heard on the news that the gov't is doing something just to help those nurses who don't have job nowadays. I'm still not interested with this program since the other program for nurses that was launched by the former pres. Gma was not successful and I've heard a lot of horror stories about it. I'm not interested in applying in the program and I think, I'm not also interested in pursuing my profession anymore.


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