Monday, November 29, 2010

What I missed most during my childhood days

Posted by Esh's Haven at 7:18 PM
Childhood is one of the most memorable stages of our journey through life. What I missed most during those days? I must say, Everything! I miss the time when my only concerns were to go to school, make my assignments when I got home, playing with other kids. I miss the innocence of being a child. When you don't have to worry about the future and when you care only of what is your  present.
You are looking forward to wake up each day to watch your favorite shows or cartoons on boob tube, and by just doing this stuffs,surely it will make your day complete. I miss those days when simple things make me happy and bring joy into my life. I miss everything about my childhood, like simple gifts that make me smile, a simple hug and a lullaby from my mother that would make me fall asleep.

What I missed about childhood is that when you don't have to deal with major problems in life since your mother is always there to protect you, for the reason that those things were just so petty  that can be easily solved by our loving mother.

Hence, I can say that I enjoyed every single day of my childhood that is why I missed it very much.


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